Backbone Curve Plotter for Steel Components

Construct the backbone curve of beams with RBS and beams other-than-RBS. For further information refer to Lignos and Krawinkler (2011)

Select Steel W-Shape

Here, you may choose to either select a W-Shape from the AISC database or input your own dimensions using the sliders below


Specify Member Properties

Here you need to specify the beam full length (L), the beam unbraced length (Lb), which is defined as the distance from the column face to the nearest lateral brace, the expected yield stress, Fy of the steel material, the capping-to-yield ratio Mc/My, the expected residual strength ratio, K, and the ultimate rotation θu of the steel component.

Computed Backbone Curve Values (provided that the steel member is in double curvature)

Parameter Value (Beams Other-than-RBS) Value (Beams with RBS)
Ke (kN-mm/rad)
My (kN-mm)
Mc (kN-mm)
Mr (kN-mm)
θp (rad)
θpc (rad)
θu (rad)
Λ (rad)
K (residual strength ratio)